Türk Loydu organized a training seminar specifically for the boiler and pressure equipment manufacturers
Türk Loydu organized a training seminar specifically for the boiler and pressure equipment manufacturers on 09.12.2015 in Akar International Hotel in Ankara. Sector representatives gave particular importance to the seminar, as numerous participations attended from Ankara and nearby cities. During the seminar, requirements of 97/23/EC pressure equipment directive, 2009/105/EC simple pressure vessel directive, CE marking and the duties of manufacturers have been presented by Turk Loydu Head of Industrial Certification Division Manager Eser TEMİZ.

For more information:
Eser TEMİZ |
Industrial Certification Divison Manager |
Email |
: |
etemiz@turkloydu.org |
Tel |
: |
+90 216 581 37 00 (Pbx) |
Fax |
: |
+90 216 581 38 20 |