The kick-off meeting of Skills Beyond The Seas project was held in Sea Teach, Spain
The kick-off meeting of the Erasmus + KA2 Strategic Partnership for vocational education and training project Skills Beyond The Seas under the coordination by Sea Teach S.L. was held in Palma de Mallorca, Spain on January 14-15, 2019.
Turk Loydu Uygunluk Degerlendirme Hizmetleri A.S., Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (Spain), Danmar Computers LLC (Poland), Pomorski Fakultet U Rijeci (Crotia) are the other partners of the Skills Beyond The Seas project.
About the Project:
The Maritime Sector is currently facing a paradox and difficult situation of a current shortage of young seafarers and also medium- to long-term redundancy threats due to the technical developments.
Therefore, whilst currently there is still a high demand for seafarers and overall numbers in the EU are significant (around 254.000 active seafarers and 25,000 to 35,000 students in Maritime Education and Training), their future employment and career perspectives are very uncertain.
The “Skills Beyond the Seas” Project will design two tools that will provide seafarers and MET students with a detailed list of their formal and informal skills and suggest pathways to onshore occupations where these skills are needed. It will provide these users with options and ideas of new career opportunities and highlight transferable skills sets. It will also turn this situation into an opportunity for disadvantaged youth to gain social inclusion by entering a sector in need of young workers and offering high level VET training.
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