The sixth meeting and the final conference of MarEd Project were held online by Türk Loydu
The 6th Partner Meeting of "MarED (Maritime Education for Energy Efficiency)" project (Erasmus + KA2 Strategic Partnership for vocational education and training) and the final conference of the project were held online on 21 April and 05 May 2021. The meeting and the final conference were hosted by Türk Loydu.
On 21 April 2021, the representatives from Türk Loydu, İstanbul Technical University, Orka Informatics, Calmac Ferries Ltd, A.P.&A. Limited and University of Strathclyde planned the final conference during the project meeting.
The Final Conference of the MarEd project was held by Türk Loydu via Zoom on 5th May 2021 with 128 participants from local and international academic institutions, seafarers, national administrations and representatives from each of the MarEd Project consortium members.
MarEd is a two year Erasmus + project aiming to define all energy efficiency gaps in the shipping industry and create a distance learning modules to train staff and improve the familiarity and knowledge about ship energy efficiency. Project will generate MarEd Online Training Course and MarEd Assessment Tool. MarEd has been implemented with the support of Turkish National Agency and funded by European Commission under the framework of Erasmus+ KA2: Strategic Partnerships for VET as project 2018-1-TR01-KA202-058717which runs from November 2018 to June 2021
Project web site: